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About Lou8670

  • Birthday September 19

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  1. Yeah, unfortunately it's not in Junk either. AkaSully2 had the same problem; Immi said it was to do with her password as they've updated the system. Sounds like there's a bug in the system Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Tomorrow I can apply for citizenship and I'm busy today preparing all the forms. I've got a couple of questions... We can't log into our ImmiAccount but don't know why. Someone suggested it's because the system has been updated. Our login was E and then a bunch of numbers. When click to say we've forgotten the password the system says it's sent us an email but we don't receive the email so we're a bit stuck. I tried to call Immi and was 120th in the queue! So just wondering if anyone has had this problem before and if we should just set up a new account and apply on there? I've just realised that 3 of our passports which were renewed last month haven't been updated with Immi. Can I use our old passport numbers which the visas are attached to to apply for citizenship and then submit a change of passport form online? Just thinking this would be easier than sending by post and waiting another couple of weeks! It's just a nightmare as, if I could just log into our account I could have updated them on there today and then applied for citizenship tomorrow. Grrr why is everything more difficult than it needs to be!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/189-/Skilled-Independent-visa-(subclass-189)-document-checklist Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. That's what I think too which is why I want my application in asap. I know it'll take them an age to process the backlog but I don't want my application behind a bubble of people who may be able to apply who were told not to after 20 April or delayed any further than necessary because I delayed submitting it [emoji20] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Thanks Eddie but I already know this [emoji4] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I'm frustrated because we became eligible to apply on Friday. If this bill is thrown out then they'll be another flood of applications. I'm trying to get mine in today and can't get past page 6 on the online application as it's saying I'm not Eligible but they haven't asked me any info about our permanent residency yet! I'm 120th in the queue on the phone grrr! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Heres the link but the table isn't simple unfortunately. I remember when my mil applied 2 years ago we worked it out to be a total of $103k for her and her hubby using the table attached...no doubt it's been updated and fees raised since... https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa/Fees
  8. Hi Craig My mil applied in Sept 2013 and has just received her visa in August this year so expect you'll folks will be waiting between 18-24 months unless they slow down further in which case it could be longer. My mil visited on a holiday visa whilst she was waiting for her 173 so they can visit. If it's close to their visa being issued I'd suggest advising Immi as when they issue the visa they'll need to be offshore. Louise
  9. I expected they would ask for it before granting the 173 so was surprised when they didn't. She does have 2 options for sponsors but yes it is now a risk. I talked to her about applying directly for the 143 but she saw that as more of a risk as she didn't want to sell her house until she had a visa (which she needed to do to raise enough funds).
  10. Thanks Val. I'll make sure she keeps enough funds to cover the aos! I would have thought they would ask for it before granting the 173 as anything could happen to your sponsor between grants!
  11. My MiL applied for the temporary contributory parent visa which has recently been granted. She wasn't asked for an assurance of support. I thought they always asked for this but apparently not. Could she be asked for it when she applies for her permanent visa which she'll do as soon as she's onshore?
  12. Her case officer has requested she scan the documents to an email address they've supplied to her. She'd omitted to do a form 80 for her hubby so has been asked to supply that. Re. The visa charge I assume you mean the vac as the visa charge was paid on initial application. She hasn't been asked to pay the vac just yet. They usually wait until they have all other information before requesting the vac to be paid.
  13. Unfortunately the rest isn't just rubber stamping. Once you are allocated a case officer they will ask you to complete all of the information they require and submit all reports. They can ask for further medical investigations if there is a potential issue. Once they have all of the information they will request the Vac to ensure you have the finances available then they assess the whole case and make a decision as to whether to issue you with a visa. The only thing I'm not sure on is if they tell you if you're unsuccessful before or after requesting the vac.
  14. MIL received her case officer today 624 days after lodging her application! They are now dealing with applications from 16 September 2013!
  15. Unfortunately it's unlikely you'll have your visa before Christmas. My MIL applied in September 2013. At the time I told her she'd have at least an 18 month wait before she being allocated a case officer. It has now been 22 months and she is still waiting. A month ago she asked IMMI how much longer and they said they were dealing with applications lodged 2 weeks before hers, however, there was an increase in applications at the end of August 2013 as IMMI increased their fees on 1 September 2013 so these must be delaying her case further. When she applied waiting times were approximately 18 months with immigration anticipating they would bring waiting times down to 12 months but this has clearly not happened and in fact waiting times have increased.
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